Special Geographical Unit: | Blackwater River State Forest |
Verbatim Directions to Locality: | Blackwater River State Park. |
Latitude - degree: | 0 |
Latitude - minutes: | 0 |
Latitude - seconds: | 0 |
Latitude - degree with decimals: | 0 |
Longitude - degree: | 0 |
Longitude - minutes: | 0 |
Longitude - seconds: | 0 |
Longitude - degree with decimals: | 0 |
Habitat: | Open longleaf pine forest on ridge. |
Plant Morphology Observations: | All having been subject to fire and consisting of numerous sprouts to 3-4 m tall. |
Local Abundance Observations: | Numerous plants scattered about. |
Notes: | R.K. Godfrey - Each specimen sheet this coll. no. from a different plant.
Non digital information?: | N |